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Module 4 Episode 8: How You Can Your Company Aligned On Global Growth By Taking The Global Readiness Score

 How You Can Your Company Aligned On Global Growth By Taking The Global Readiness Score

Read the full script of Module 4, Episode 8 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.

Now that you have a grasp of these four commitments, you are probably asking:

How do I get alignment around the 4 commitments to properly supporting global growth initiatives?

Let’s discuss how to apply the 4 pillars for successful global growth to your organization, garnering both  “commitment” and “alignment.” 

If you notice that your organization isn’t dedicating enough resources to expansion efforts, educate them on how it takes time to find traction in new markets. Explain the importance of granting autonomy and building trust, using the Autonomy Curve to illustrate the process. Use an example market and plot out where in the market entry/growth/maturity stage the company is at in that country and compare where the level of autonomy is, versus where it should be.

For communication and clarity, search for examples of best practices from local markets that have been implemented across an international footprint. If you are having trouble finding them, that may be a sign that there is too much of a top-down approach, especially related to innovation. Explain the importance of two-way innovation, and how Feedback Loops are the prime facilitator of innovation. Don’t just wait for HQ to understand and come around, take initiative and look for ways to communicate cross-functionally and cross-regionally to uncover best practices. 

Slack had its Small Hands meetings as it grew internationally, instead of waiting for All Hands Meetings facilitated by HQ, local teams connected with each other to share best practices and create solutions to their shared problems. You can do this with other regions or other departments. 

As mentioned, global expansion must be a priority above product/customer segment expansions, otherwise, there is trouble on the horizon, so ultimately you need to ensure commitment and alignment around this. 

In assessing your organizational readiness for global growth, you include the following 10 categories in your scope:

  1. Internal Alignment/Organizational Readiness

  2. Talent - Team Building

  3. Market Selection

  4. Market Discovery

  5. Localization - Development & Validation

  6. Localization - Complexity Management

  7. Local Team/HQ dynamics

  8. Structures and Processes to Support Scale

  9. Managing a Distributed at Scale

  10. Navigating the Stages of Global Growth

Talk to key stakeholders across functions that touch international and evaluate each of these 10 categories. 

The exercise at the end of the Global Class Mindset module was to take the Global Readiness Score assessment. We developed a simple and easy-to-complete assessment, that only takes 5-10 minutes to complete, to make the process of assessing your organizational readiness more straightforward and accessible for professionals working on the global growth of their organizations.

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The development of the Global Readiness Score is a result of the key learnings we gleaned from the decades of experience from leaders of top companies across the world that we interviewed as part of our research for our book, Global Class. 

By taking the Global Readiness Assessment you can get a better understanding of your organization’s strengths and gaps when it comes to having the ingredients required to successfully reach global scale. In addition to this self-serve assessment, we work with companies to conduct a more in-depth assessment that includes providing targeted recommendations to overcome challenges and avoid pitfalls on the horizon.


What does the assessment cover?

There are 3 main areas that the GRS assessment covers:

MINDSET: Are the organization and its people globally minded (for example, are there Interpreneurs in strategic roles within the organization)? 

METHODOLOGY: Does the organization apply agile principles and possess a readiness to adapt its business model for new markets, while also being conscious of managing organizational complexity? 

MOMENTUM: Has the organization established structures to support global growth and the right management approach that empowers teams to uncover local market insights, while also developing a universalized culture and core values to avoid conflict with local teams?

We highly suggest that multiple people in your organization, across multiple functions and geographies, take this assessment to get a more clear picture of global growth initiative alignment.

NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 4, Episode 9 of the Global Growth Master Class.

If you'd like to learn more about Global Class and implement strategies and tools that we have developed, reach out to us!

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