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Module 8 Episode 1: Building Momentum for Global Growth: Essential Processes and Structures for Scalability

Building Momentum for Global Growth: Essential Processes and Structures for Scalability

Read the full script of Module 8, Episode 1 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.

While crucial to success, the right strategy, team, and internal alignment aren’t enough to reach global scale. The process drives Mindset. Global Class companies create the right foundation for growth and support scale through building structures and processes to formalize two-way innovation, foster strong communication, and manage the localization process.

To properly scale, you must build the scaffolding to support scale. Without the right structures to create momentum, global growth initiatives are not only at risk of failure but even when these initiatives succeed, a significant amount of money is wasted and time is lost by doing things sub-optimally.

Moreover, even if a company somehow does reach global scale, it will be nearly impossible to operate effectively without these processes established once you’ve reached global scale. Think back to the mountain climbing analogy - having harnesses, rope, anchors, and other equipment to support the group during the climb makes reaching the summit much easier than a free climb - they also reduce the risk of failure, which in the case of climbing could be death.

Think of the traditional glass ketchup bottle where it's difficult to get the ketchup out and it comes inconsistently (usually after having to turn the bottle over and hit the bottom a few times). The same applies to organizations that do not establish these procedures from the get-go. 

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Processes and structures are enablers, just like sliding a knife into the ketchup bottom helps create a steady pour.  Local teams need support in removing obstacles and navigating the localization process to find product-market fit, HQ needs mechanisms to effectively communicate across borders, and international leaders need visibility to better manage the complexity of running a distributed and diverse organization that is running slightly different versions of the company in many countries with unique market dynamics all at once.

The right mentality starts with creating these processes and structures early-on, during Market Entry in your first international market, and continues on through the Market Growth phase and into Market Maturity in that country, and extends as you begin to operate in more and more global markets. 

Companies that aspire to be Global Class create processes and structures designed to support localization and scaling efforts. This includes enabling effective communication, proper allocation of resources, and managing the complexity that comes with localization. Headquarters takes the lead in developing and implementing localization strategies, providing implementation support and tracking, while also allowing local teams the autonomy to discover and validate the necessary localizations. We use the term "Momentum Builders" to describe this category of support mechanisms.

In this module, you will learn about key Momentum Builders and how to implement them within your organization; structures, processes to facilitate strong communication, best practice sharing, navigation of cultural differences, and beyond.


After reviewing this module, you will have answers to the following questions:

  • How can the tools and frameworks discussed in this course be Momentum Builders that enable market entry and scale?

  • How can we get alignment around strategy for each market?

  • How can we build a brain trust around expansion best practices and processes?

  • What is the best way to facilitate the localizations required to get traction and grow in local markets?

  • How should our organization be structured? What functions should be localized, regionalized, and centralized?


Why does what is discussed in this module matter? 

Mindsets, like the Global Class Mindset, are important. Frameworks help structure strategy development, planning, and communication. Teams spearhead the work needed to enter and grow in a market, 

BUT… all of these things are destined to fail without a process to grease the wheels to get and keep the company’s international growth engine running. That is why we are showing you how to create structures and processes around the insights we have shared in the masterclass thus far, as well as introducing more structures to support companies on the journey to global scale.


Here is what we have seen with companies on their expansion journeys: 

Typically, companies attempt to make an international organization operate the same way it had operated in the initial market, tending toward a Command & Control structure, which leads to local teams not having enough autonomy to make the required localizations to succeed in the market.

Or, companies prioritize speed and traction in each individual market, not managing the complexity of operating in multiple geographies. These companies then lack the structure to manage the diverse operations that they established. By not establishing these processes we typically see that companies hit a wall after expanding into a few countries - being forced to stop expansion (and in many cases pull back) until these structures are built to support scale.

Unfortunately, many teams fall into this trap by NOT formalizing playbook creation, localization management, feedback loops, and other key processes, which lead them to overspend and take much longer to grow in local markets. 


What risks exist if you aren’t mindful of this aspect of global growth?

We also see companies committing one of the mistakes detailed in Module 1, mistakes that lead to failure.

#9. Not building the structures to create momentum. It’s a risk for companies to think of each market entry individually instead of developing processes that both help companies systematize entering new markets and manage operations across many countries. If a company doesn’t build the scaffolding to support scale, then it risks overspending as it’s unable to take advantage of synergies between markets and across functions. 

After you complete this module you will (be able to)... or “you will understand how to build playbooks and establish processes to accelerate growth and effectively manage a global organization scale.

NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 8, Episode 2 of the Global Growth Master Class.

If you'd like to learn more about Global Class and implement strategies and tools that we have developed, reach out to us!

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