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Global Class Ep 14: Navigating the Non-Linear Path to Global Growth by Marcello Schermer of Yoco

Global Class Ep 14: Navigating the Non-Linear Path to Global Growth by Marcello Schermer of Yoco

In this episode, we are excited to welcome Marcello Schermer, Head of International Expansion at Yoco, a South Africa-based fintech startup helping SMEs accept payments and get data-driven insights. Prior, Marcello was Managing Director of Seedstars and strategy consultant at Detecon Inc. 


In our conversation, Marcello talks about the importance of immersing yourself in a new market to understand how trust is built, why it's crucial to build a cross-cultural team from early on within the whole company and not just within the expansion team, as well as the growing opportunities across the continent of Africa with it's fast-growing population and how Africa should be thought of as a source of innovation and not just an opportunity for market entry.  

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