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Global Class Ep 2: How Airbnb's Community Culture Drives Successful Scaling by Jennifer Yuen

Global Class Ep 2: How Airbnb's Community Culture Drives Successful Scaling by Jennifer Yuen

Despite all our differences, in many ways we are the same. Cultures diverge, but commonalities bring us together. Airbnb has been an extraordinary platform for allowing people to truly experience new cultures in every corner of the world, and it has been thanks to passionate leaders like Jennifer Yuen.


Jennifer is the former Head of Americas Marketing for the company as was an early team member who launched the business in the APAC region. She also led product marketing for the Facebook search product and held marketing roles at IHG, a global hospitality company, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), and AT&T.

Join us to learn how Jennifer and Airbnb built a global brand in new markets. Hear how it can be better to focus on cross-border “tribes” instead of other target demographics, how some markets can influence others (helping you prioritize your expansion plans), how diversity can be a strength, and why “there’s no place called global.” - all that and more on this episode of the Global Class Podcast.

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