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Global Class Ep 24: Masami Takahashi On Driving Uber & WeWork's Japan Expansion

Global Class Ep 24: Masami Takahashi On Driving Uber & WeWork's Japan Expansion

In this episode, we are excited to welcome Masami Takahashi. Masami is the President of Scrum Studio and the CEO of Japan at Miles, an applications that offers rewards for traveling, allowing anyone with a smartphone to earn miles and rewards whether your commute is by car, rideshare, plane, train, subway, bus, bicycle or on foot. Prior, Masami led expansion for WeWork & Uber and he's a perfect example of an Interpreneur as we have coined in our book.


In our conversation, Masami shares how to become a bridge between HQ and local teams when working on an international market (AND why it's the job of the local team to make HQ fall in love with that local market), how to build trust and strong relationships within a distributed organization, and how he helped scale companies like Uber and WeWork in the Japanese market.

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