Module 4 Episode 9: Aligning Your Team for Global Success

Read the full script of Module 4, Episode 9 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.
Let’s recap what we covered in this module.
We discussed how companies often overlook organizational readiness, instead focusing on market readiness. We outlined how to determine whether a company is thinking about global growth the right way, with proper internal alignment, including answering a series of important questions that will highlight risks and points of misalignment.
We also detailed the 4 commitments for Successful Global Growth that we found companies who were successful at reaching global scale made.
We answered the following questions:
How do I determine if my organization is ready to expand internationally?
How do I determine the amount of resources to dedicate to global growth, and when? (then explain points about how resources are needed over time)
How much of what happens in local markets should HQ control?
How do I structure internal communication to foster alignment across a global team? (Feedback Loops)
How should we approach localizing our business to fit new markets and navigate through the stages global growth?
How do I get internal alignment around the 4 commitments and to properly supporting global growth initiatives?
As you look to implement the concepts outlined in this module within your company, consider the following questions and outline your answers:
Is your organization prioritizing geographic expansion as its primary growth driver?
Do you have alignment around core elements of why you want to expand globally and how to best go about doing it?
Is your organization committed to each of the 4 commitments outlined in this module, Resource Alignment, Autonomy & Trust, Communication & Clarity, and the Global Agile Methodology?
Important Exercise: Take the Global Readiness Score, if you haven’t already, and, more importantly, have your colleagues take the score and compare the areas where you are aligned and where you are not - this is what alignment and readiness are all about. Comparing responses will also uncover points of misalignment.
Taking this extra time at base camp before attempting to scale the mountain will pay dividends later as the team will be able to effectively navigate the challenges that will invariably come when growing in new markets.
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If you are interested in exploring organization readiness more and discuss how to evaluate your organization’s alignment and commitment, we would be happy to have a free consultation with you. Just schedule a call with us, and we can help.
With strong internal alignment around global growth (like real alignment, not just on the surface level) and commitment to the core elements essential to succeeding in international markets, now it’s time to turn our attention to market readiness.
NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 5, Episode 1 of the Global Growth Master Class.