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Module 8 Episode 8: Implementing Momentum Builders: Processes and Structures for Global Scaling Success

 Implementing Momentum Builders: Processes and Structures for Global Scaling Success

Read the full script of Module 8, Episode 8 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.

Let’s recap what we covered in this module.

We discussed the importance of structures and processes, which we call Momentum Builders to facilitate market entry, serve as a foundation for international growth, and help manage the company at global scale.

We detailed how each of the frameworks discussed so far in the course can be used to build momentum. We also introduced powerful structures and processes from the Global Growth Pitch Deck, Global Growth Playbook, Localization Resource Team or LRT, the Job Function Pendulum and separation of headquarters from the initial market, and how each creates structure in places where companies often waste time and money because they don’t have a clear idea of what to do and how to organize.


And in the process, we helped you answer the questions:

  • How can the tools and frameworks discussed in this course be Momentum Builders that enable market entry and scale?

  • How can we get alignment around strategy for each market?

  • How can we build a brain trust around expansion best practices and processes?

  • What is the best way to facilitate the localizations required to get traction and grow in local markets?

  • How should our organization be structured? What functions should be localized, regionalized, and centralized?


As you look to implement the concepts outlined in this module within your company, consider the following questions and outline your answers:

  • How are you creating processes and structures to generate momentum?

  • Which of the Momentum Builders discussed in the chapter most resonated with you?

  • Who owns international within your company?

  • How are you giving executives visibility into your global expansion initiatives?


Important Exercise: 

To apply the concepts from this module we suggest that you evaluate how to go through 3 quick exercises related to the market readiness process:

  1. Make a Global Growth Pitch Deck for a market you plan to expand into, or adapt the format into a reporting document for status updates on a market your company is already launched in

  2. Sketch out insights for their Global Growth Playbook (remember to look at the BONUS Global Growth Playbook Outline for guidance)

  3. Brainstorm and list out who should be part of a Localization Resource Team in your organization (remember to look for Interpreneurs)

  4. Map out what the current Job Function Pendulum looks like for your organization’s international presence (or planned presence), what is centralized, regionalized, or localized? Evaluate what works well and what needs to change


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If you are interested in discussing how to implement these Momentum Builders in your organization or evaluating the effectiveness of processes you have in place, we would be happy to have a free consultation with you. Just schedule a call with us and we can help.

With the right mindset, teams, and structures in place, now let’s investigate how to effectively manage a rapidly expanding organization at global scale.

NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 9, Episode 1 of the Global Growth Master Class.

If you'd like to learn more about Global Class and implement strategies and tools that we have developed, reach out to us!

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