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Module 3 Episode 9: Master the Interpreneurial Mindset and Build High-Performing Teams

Master the Interpreneurial Mindset and Build High-Performing Teams

Read the full script of Module 3, Episode 8 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.

Let’s recap what we covered in this module. We discussed the Interpreneur and how Interpreneurs have the global mindset to interpret culture and the empathy to understand new markets to effectively localize a business, a key advantage Global Class Companies utilize to succeed in international markets.

Also how Interpreneurs also have the agile mindset to resiliently overcome obstacles with creative solutions and the company mindset to sustain support and buy-in in complex and bureaucratic organizations to get things done. And finally how Interpreneurs are catalysts to help companies reach global scale. Recognizing this, Global Class Companies take specific steps to nurture Interpreneurs within their organizations.

We introduced the Global Class Team Building Framework and introduced strategies for building the Interpreneurial mindset, as well as the local and company knowledge to succeed in new markets.

We answered the following questions:

  • What characteristics/mindsets are important within people who are part of global growth teams? (both at HQ and in local markets)

  • How do you find, acquire and nurture this type of (Interpreneurial) Talent?

  • How YOU can develop this unique (Interpreneurial) Mindset?

  • What kinds of skills and characteristics are necessary for building successful local teams?

  • How do I bridge between local and company knowledge to ensure local teams are set up for success? - ensuring Local Teams understand the company culture and way of doing things while ensuring those involved in global expansion have a proper understanding of the local market.

  • How can I create the Right Team Building System for Success?

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In terms of next steps, let’s focus on an important exercise. Let’s evaluate how the various characteristics of Interpreneurs are present in you. Take the Interpreneurial Capabilities Assessment at the following link to see how closely you match the Interpreneurial archetype outlined in this module. Pay special attention to any gaps and refer to this module to implement habits to let your inner Interpreneur flourish.


Finally, consider and answer the following six reflection questions as you complete this module:

  1. What actions have you taken to develop your own interpreneurial mindset? What are three actionable steps you can take right now?

  2. How prevalent is the interpreneurial mindset within your organization? In what ways is your organization fostering this mindset?

  3. How are you hiring and nurturing a (distributed) team of Interpreneurs?

  4. How are you ensuring your local teams have a strong overlap of company knowledge and local knowledge?

  5. How are you identifying and developing diamond/unicorn people who fit all four team-building trait categories?

  6. For those team members who don’t have company knowledge, how are you instilling the company culture in them?

Now that we have outlined the Global Class and Interpreneurial Mindsets while also outlining how to build effective local teams, now let’s look deeper into one of the most commonly underestimated and overlooked elements of a successful global growth initiative, an element which both of these mindsets are key enablers of, organizational readiness. 

NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 4, Episode 1 of the Global Growth Master Class.

If you'd like to learn more about Global Class and implement strategies and tools that we have developed, reach out to us!

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