Module 1 Episode 1: Welcome to the Global Growth Master Class
Read the full script of Module 1, Episode 1 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.
Welcome to the Global Class Masterclass! We are glad you are here.
We are excited that you are investing in your professional development with the goal of helping your organization succeed at global scale.
Imagine for a moment that you are standing at the base of a mountain, looking up at the summit that you aspire to reach. Climbing a mountain takes endurance, planning, a strong team, strategies for how to scale the mountain, and processes and tools to support the team along with the way. In this master class, you will receive all that you need to scale the mountain, scale your company globally. Right think of yourself at basecamp, which is usually still thousands of feet above sea level - your company has achieved success in at least one domestic market, but there is still a long way to go.
Whether your company is just starting a global growth journey or is struggling somewhere up along the face of the mountain, we are here to help and we feel very confident that at the conclusion of this course, you will be equipped with the tools, frameworks, and insights to succeed, along with your own sense of confidence that you need what steps to take to reach the summit of the mountain.
In this course, you will get a detailed and comprehensive overview of all you need to understand to build and thrive within a growing global organization. From building and motivating teams, to localizing your business for new markets, to handling conflicts in culture, this course has everything you need to know to be a catalyst for the successful growth of your company in international markets.
Through nearly 100 videos, you will be introduced to crucial insights, learn how to leverage key frameworks, and solidify your understanding of core concepts through case studies of some of the top companies in the world, helping you apply these principles to your unique challenges.
The content of this course comes from the research we did in developing the Wall Street Journal and National Bestselling book, Global Class. Over more than 2 years, we interviewed over 400 executives from the world’s fastest-growing companies, to learn how they were successful in reaching global scale. From the world’s most familiar global brands to early-stage startups, we took lessons from their growth journeys and have built a structure around crucial lessons that can help you.
WHO is this course for?
There are a number of types of people who can benefit from this masterclass. This course is for executives at growth stage startups (scaleups) expanding internationally for the first time; for leaders at established companies who want to further penetrate existing global markets and overcome challenges with current international strategies and opportunity; it is also for anyone who wants to polish their skills and be well positioned to further develop their international careers.
WHO are the instructors?
This masterclass is taught by us, the authors of Global Class, who are experienced global entrepreneurs, corporate executives and educators who have helped many companies expand to new markets and seen the struggles these companies face in doing so. Think of as your guides, your sherpas, lending our understanding of the terrain and surroundings to help you scale the mountain faster and safer.
Our objective is to help save your company time and money by avoiding the pitfalls many companies experience when scaling internationally without the Global Class Mindset.
We also realize that you may come from a very different starting point than other students. Because of how long the global growth journey is and how companies have different starting points, we have designed this course and our tools to be incredibly valuable no matter your industry, stage of growth, global presence, or country of origin. To this point, for example, we realize that companies think about international growth in very different ways depending on where company leaders are from. Some companies are born in large markets with vast opportunities, leading the company not to start thinking about global growth until 5 or 10 years after launching.
On the other hand, some companies are conceived in small markets and because the home market is too small the company starts looking at global opportunity on day one (companies like Zendesk and Vivino had Danish founders who first focused on the US market). That is why we don’t use the term “home market” but instead say “initial market” since a company may choose a market other than their home as their initial market to validate the business. In fact, today we are even seeing companies from larger markets choose other countries as their initial market (as was the case for US-based medical drone delivery company Zipline which first focused on markets in East Africa).
To meet the demands on today's learning environment, we have decided to develop a micro-learning course that allows you to get all the insights, concepts, and context you need, delivered according to your schedule. We know you are busy, and that it is difficult for you to dedicate a couple hours or even 30 minutes in your busy day to personal development. That is why the videos in this course are short, on average 10 minutes long, so that you can progress through this content at opportune times during the day, whether it’s on your commute, between meetings, or when you have a free moment. The brief videos also have another purpose, to help you apply the content.
Instead of having to rummage through hour-long lectures on broad topics, each video is targeted and quickly gives you the answers you need when questions or challenges arise. Instead of having to sift through a 45-minute video on the whole “Global Class Team Building Framework,” for example, you can go right to the couple-minute video on “Company Knowledge” to get answers on how to best build trust and enable local teams to get things done through corporate or jump directly to our Interpreneurial framework to understand what traits to look for when hiring a local market lead, a challenge that has been described as being the most difficult for companies scaling globally.
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The course is broken down into 11 modules, designed to cover the major topics that you need to understand to be a catalyst for your company’s growth.
- Module 1 - will provide you with an introduction to the course and help you understand the global opportunities out there today
- Module 2 - introduces the Global Class mindset, a set of principles adopted by the top companies in the world that have helped them reach global scale
- Module 3 - introduces the concept of the Interpreneur and the mindset that will be a differentiator for the next generation of global leaders and organizations, as well as details on how to build high-performing global and local teams
- Module 4 - covers organizational readiness and the foundations for global growth and in particular, the 4 commitments that every company that succeeds at reaching global scale agrees upon
- Module 5 - covers market readiness, and the process to go through to properly evaluate new markets to select the best ones
- Module 6 - goes into more detail about the global agile methodology, a global layer on the lead methodology, discussing how to translate your validated model in your initial market to hypotheses for localizations required to succeed in new markets
- Module 7 - helps teams map out the localizations required to succeed in new markets while helping companies better manage the complexity that comes along with entering new markets. The module also helps you build a comprehensive expansion strategy
- Module 8 - illustrates why structures and processes to support growth and operating at global scale are imperative for companies with global aspirations, introducing you to examples of these momentum builders
- Module 9 - discusses culture and how to navigate situations when local culture and company culture conflict
- Module 10 - provides an overview of the Global Class Management model and details management best practices
- Module 11 - helps you apply the Global Class Mindset and core frameworks to your organization, discussing next steps and how you can be a catalyst for the successful global growth of your organization
What you will learn from each Module
- What questions the module will answer
- Why what is discussed in each module matters
- What we have seen with companies on their expansion journeys:
- What risks exist if you aren’t mindful of this aspect of global growth?
As well as a summary at the end of each module with key questions to help you apply course concepts, and practical exercises to give you the confidence to use each framework within your organization.
Why are we going through all these efforts to build such a comprehensive course?
"Why were we doing this?" Well, in our research we found that global growth was often a solitary experience, with one person or a small team focused on international expansion while a bulk of the organization remained focused on core markets. Our goal is to make global a shared experience, so we invite you into our community of top global expansion leaders and look forward to supporting you in reaching your career goals and hit the company's milestones for successful global growth.
Course Navigation
- Explain how to use the features on the learning platform (finding videos, seeing progress, getting help, scheduling the meeting with us at the end)
- Going back to review videos later - they still have access
- How to complete the exercises that are part of the course
Let’s get back to that mountain analogy…
Before starting on the path to scale the mountain of global growth, as you go through the course remember that you can reach out to us and our team at any point to answer questions, clarify concepts, and even schedule free consultations to help you navigate the challenges facing you and your organization.
Let’s start climbing.
NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 1, Episode 2 of the Global Growth Master Class.