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Module 9 Episode 3: The Rise Of Community Culture: Leveraging Emerging Subcultures

The Rise Of Community Culture: Leveraging Emerging Subcultures

Read the full script of Module 9, Episode 3 of the Global Growth Master Class below. Want to get certified on global expansion? Simply click here to access the complete course today.

It’s important to realize that culture shouldn’t just be thought of as an OBSTACLE to navigate around or overcome. It can also be a POWERFUL TOOL to leverage as an ENABLER of growth in new markets. The question then becomes:

How can I LEVERAGE culture as a driver for growth in new markets?

Realize that now cultures transcend national borders.

The world has shifted from being DIVIDED UP by borders to now being interconnected, because of the internet and communications and content platforms, being INTERCONNECTED. People are no longer solely defined by their NATIONAL identity as the rise of global citizenship has been propelled by Interpreneurs. 

Cross-border connections are becoming more common (often driven by TECHNOLOGY platforms) and SHARED VALUES and INTERESTS are TRANSCENDING geographical boundaries. 


This has led to the emergence of a NEW type of culture, which we call COMMUNITY culture, which is defined by numerous smaller communities that connect over COMMON INTERESTS and VALUES, transcending borders

The proliferation of communication and social media platforms has provided more channels for people to form these communities and foster a sense of global INTERCONNECTEDNESS.

Airbnb has leveraged the trend towards global citizenship and cross-border connections by integrating it into its company's strategy. They target specific customer groups based on MINDSET rather than GEOGRAPHY, which they refer to as "tribes," allowing them to identify and cater to niche markets. 

This approach is more actionable during MARKET ENTRY since it provides a clear path to reaching target customers and conveying a marketing message. Rather than relying on demographics, this segmentation is based on SHARED BELIEFS or mindsets that transcend borders, further aligning with the rise of Community Culture.

This approach also helps to overcome cultural barriers by focusing on COMMONALITIES rather than DIFFERENCES. Rather than emphasizing language and local customs, it centers on SHARED VOCABULARY and BELIEFS within a group united by a common interest or passion.

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Identifying customer archetypes in the INITIAL market can simplify the process of conveying a message to members of the same archetype in a NEW country. This approach aligns with the principles of human storytelling. For example, Airbnb achieved significant early success with MARATHON runners by connecting with them through their shared behaviors around running and adventure, demonstrating that the company understood AND related to their passions.

Marathon runners are typically ADVENTUROUS and MOBILE, which fits well with Airbnb’s new type of traveling experiences, and the group possesses their own unique LANGUAGE and set of CORE VALUES that cross borders. All things that Airbnb tapped into in order to get a FOOTHOLD in new markets.,

Airbnb's approach to market entry and growth reflects its commitment to building a COMMUNITY Culture that transcends borders. This is evident not only in its tactical strategies but also in its MISSION STATEMENT, which aims to "create a world where anyone can belong anywhere." 

By targeting niche customer groups based on SHARED BELIEFS and INTERESTS, rather than DEMOGRAPHICS or GEOGRAPHY, Airbnb has been able to build a cross-border global community that aligns with its core values. Similarly, the Global Class movement seeks to promote a COMMUNITY Culture centered around the ideas of INTERPRENEURS and GLOBAL CLASS COMPANIES, fostering connections among internationally minded individuals worldwide.

While focusing on COMMUNITY Culture can be a strategic advantage, it's very important NOT to ignore LOCAL MARKET culture. LOCAL culture remains a crucial factor for Global Class Companies as it shows their commitment to the local market AND its people. At the same time, they acknowledge that the human experience goes BEYOND local borders. 

Therefore, they strive to maintain a balance between local CONSCIOUSNESS and global CONTEXT. Global Class Companies aim to provide a consistent experience for both EMPLOYEES and CUSTOMERS, regardless of their location around the world.

The goal is to connect with people on a UNIVERSAL HUMAN level and then tailor the message to fit their unique PREFERENCES and CULTURAL CONTEXTS. This aligns with the concept of an INDIVIDUAL'S culture, which is a combination of their LOCAL culture and the culture of their chosen COMMUNITIES, whether LOCAL or CROSS-BORDER. 

Global Class Companies recognize these multiple layers of culture, from the INDIVIDUAL to the LOCAL to the COMMUNITY of shared interests, and strive to connect with EACH layer, although this is undoubtedly a difficult challenge.


Adopting a COMMUNITY Culture approach makes practical sense for businesses from an OPERATIONAL standpoint

Using national borders as the sole frame of reference for your business will result in increased COMPLEXITY and unnecessarily unique ADAPTATIONS. 

On the other hand, finding cross-border communities will enhance EFFICIENCY as the efforts to adapt go-to-market elements like marketing, sales, and product premiums become more SCALABLE. 

This CROSS-BORDER approach aligns with the concept of LINKED MARKETS as described in module 7, which means that localizations done for one market can generate MOMENTUM across multiple markets.


Ultimately, a proven strategy for building local market engagement, as evidenced by Airbnb's success in the APAC region, is to focus on the SHARED HUMANITY of people in your new market

This involves searching for ways to connect and communicate COMMON GROUND between your BRAND and potential CUSTOMERS. 

One effective approach is to invest time in understanding local culture and what matters to the people in that market. By showing respect for LOCAL CUSTOMS and VALUES in your business operations AND communication, you can build TRUST and RAPPORT with local customers.  

At the same time, it's important to find ways to TRANSCEND local borders and reach out to cross-border communities, leveraging the momentum created by successful LOCALIZATIONS in MULTIPLE markets (as previously discussed) to achieve global SCALE.

In summary:

- COMMUNITY culture is a powerful FORCE you can take advantage of to create a FOOTHOLD in new global markets.

- Maintain a balance between LOCAL CONSCIOUSNESS and GLOBAL CONTEXT, don’t forget about local culture and its nuances - leveraging COMMUNITY Culture is not a way to avoid the complexities of local cultures

- Analyze WHO your early adopters were and see if you can plug into cross-border networks of these early adopters in OTHER countries

The emergence of this new type of culture highlights the growing significance of INTERPRENEURS in helping companies expedite their global expansion efforts. Interpreneurs possess CULTURAL EMPATHY, CURIOSITY, and a COMMUNITY-FOCUSED MINDSET, which are key traits that enable Global Class Companies to tap into this new COMMUNITY Culture and establish cross-border CONNECTIONS.

NOTE: Don't miss out on the next episode! If you want to continue learning about global expansion strategies and dive deeper into the course material, simply click here to access Module 9, Episode 4 of the Global Growth Master Class.

If you'd like to learn more about Global Class and implement strategies and tools that we have developed, reach out to us!

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