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From analysis paralysis to a pathway to global scale

BankCo, one of the leading fintech companies globally, went from incredible local success to challenges in its first two international markets, with the absence of a cohesive structure for how to...

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Overcoming operational challenges to penetrate a growing international footprint

PaymentCo, a leading point of sale and restaurant management platform company from the United States had seen incredible success and was looking to international markets for growth. After entering...

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What Is The Global Capability Score?

The development of the Global Capability Score (GCS) is a result of decades of experience from leaders of top companies across the world. Paired with the work of Global Class founders Aaron...

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Our 1st international launch of Global Class (South Korea)

We are delighted to share the incredible success of launching the Korean edition of Global Class, which took place in Seoul on August 21-25, 2023. It was an unforgettable week-long gathering of...

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Launching Global Class in Vietnam

In tandem with the launch of Global Class in Vietnam, Klaus took the stage at the CSMO Summit Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City to share his insights on successful global growth in front of 1,500+...

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How to Select New Markets for Global Expansion

So you’ve decided to go global. The next question you might be asking is, “Where do you go?”

Warning: Most companies approach answering this question wrong.

They tend to focus on...

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How Localization Premium Can Help You Find Company Market Fit

A battle is fought every time a company decides to enter a new market—a fight over which aspects of the business change and which stay the same. This is where localization comes in, but...

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2 Truths And A Lie: Why Executives Should Reevaluate Their Global Growth Strategy

Let’s play a game. That good ol’ game, two truths and a lie (international expansion style).

As you are building your business, you are always thinking about which growth lever to pull...

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Web Summit Brazil: Global Class Takes The Stage

This year, Rio de Janeiro played host to the world-famous Web Summit tech conference, along with over 21,000 attendees. Global Class authors Klaus Wehage and Aaron McDaniel were there to introduce...

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The VC Operating Partner’s Guide To Assessing Portfolio Company Global Capability

While each company’s growth path varies, after finding product-market fit, there tends to be 3 key drivers of growth:
1. Adding more products
2. Targeting new customer segments
3. Expanding...

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How An International Business Professor in Germany Uses the Business Model Localization Canvas (BMLC) To Teach Business Models

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur is highly-regarded as one of the most strategic frameworks in the last 10 years that simplifies the process of understanding and...

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How The Right Mindset For International Expansion Can Get You Millions Of Customers

“What’s in a name?” said Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. A whole heap of factors comes into play when you’re faced with coming up with a company name that is...

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