The Global Class Toolkit.

Our toolkit helps any organization with an international footprint (or desire to become a global organization): manage organizational complexity, find product-market fit in new locations, identify Global Class talent, manage a distributed workforce and build strong company culture.

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Localization Premium Analysis

Localization Premium Analysis

As you enter new markets you must localize to get traction. With these changes comes complexity that must be addressed head-on. The Localization Premium Chart can help.

How to use the Localization Premium Chart:

  • Leverage to predict, manage and reduce complexity

  • Prioritize/Rank markets in your expansion timeline

  • Combine with Total Cost of Expansion (TCE) Equation to determine costs associated with each change

Benefits of the Localization Premium Chart:

  • More easily identify, plan for and visualize operational and functional changes required to enter a new market

  • Effectively socialize/get buy-in for market-entry strategy

  • Better manage cross-functional localization efforts

Business Model Localization Canvas

Business Model Localization Canvas

Expanding to new countries means revisiting product-market fit and your operating model. Use our Business Model Localization Canvas to test, iterate and achieve traction in international markets

How to use the Business Model Localization Canvas:

  • Revisit the company’s early days where customer development is the main focus. Start by labeling your home market product-market fit model (plus any insights during your external market analysis) as hypotheses to be tested and iterated on

  • Take into account how government & regulation and culture & localization affects every aspect of your business and operating model

  • Develop systems for implementing the four foundational factors of an effective international launch and scaling - funding & resources, relevant metrics, autonomy & trust and communication & clarity

Benefits of the Business Model Localization Canvas:

  • Find product-market fit in a new target market faster while expending fewer resources

  • Communicate the resources required to get traction in a new market

  • Centralize the tracking of pivots and adaptations to the core model in new markets

  • Visualize all the elements that must be factored-in to find success in global markets

Global Class Team Building Framework

Global Class Team Building Framework

90% of executives surveyed identified talent as being the most critical (and most difficult) factor in achieving global success. Our team building framework helps you identify talent gaps and focus on the traits needed to ensure your local market team has the right mindset to foster alignment with core values and the local market.

How to use the Global Class Team Building Framework:

  • Realize that one person may not be able to have all the traits and experiences necessary to succeed in getting product-market fit and scale in a new market, it’s often a team effort with a collective set of skills

  • Agile (and Interpreneurial) traits are table-stakes while an overlap of local knowledge and company knowledge are paramount in getting traction in new markets

  • Give local market leadership exposure to headquarters and the channels to build a strong network there

Benefits of the Global Class Team Building Framework:

  • Visualize the comprehensive set of traits and skills required for success in new markets

  • Translate these desired skills to the recruiting team and other key stakeholders

  • Develop plans that involve pairing internal and external talent pools together to build strong local teams

  • Highlight the core training requirements to increase the likelihood of success in new markets

Global Class Management Model

Global Class Management Model

Our research has found that companies with a strong organizational culture called upon in strategy development and decision-making can help steward global success. Learn how the management model Global Class companies use can help you ensure alignment and accelerate growth in new international markets

How to use the GCM Model:

  • Ensure consistency of company culture and core values

  • Implement feedback loops so local market teams can translate key insights to company leadership to inform strategy and decision-making

  • Leverage OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) to ensure adoption of framework in day-to-day operations at all levels of the organization

Benefits of the GCM Model:

  • Communicate the importance of consistency of company culture in all markets

  • Visualize a system of two-way communication where insights are translated over language and cultural barriers

  • Understand the interplay between headquarters and local offices

  • Foster trust and a system that localizes to fit the needs of each new market

Localization Resource Team (LRT)

Localization Resource Team (LRT)

As companies scale to international markets, it is necessary to build support functions that remove obstacles for global teams so they can focus on traction in new markets. Learn how the best-in-class companies build processes that allow organizations to scale

How to use the Localization Resource Team:

  • Ensure there is an executive-level champion and direct reporting to either head of international or a C-level executive

  • Start with a temporary/shared resource team with functions represented that fill the gaps of the early local team(s)

  • Ensure ERT representatives have a strong internal network and have build trust with key stakeholders to ensure they can be effective in support local teams

Benefits of the Localization Resource Team:

  • Accelerate growth by helping the local market team (and General Manager) focus on traction and achieving product-market fit

  • Provide executive level visibility and stewardship of international expansion initiatives

  • Create a center of expertise around what works and what doesn’t in getting traction in new markets

  • Better control complexity by providing guardrails for what aspects of the business and operating model can or cannot be changed to find traction in new markets while ensuring company culture alignment

The Interpreneur Mindset

The Interpreneur Mindset

Culturally curious and global-minded talent is in more demand in today’s distributed business world. Learn how the fastest-growing companies in the world hire, develop and manage Interpreneurial talent to create a competitive advantage over global competition

How to use the Interpreneur Mindset:

  • Look for Interpreneurs already present in your organization

  • Activate your recruitment team to identify globally-minded talent

  • Nurture Interpreneurs, providing opportunities for them to impact your business

Benefits of the Interpreneur Mindset:

  • Understand the mindset that has made the current generation of international business leaders successful

  • Visualize how a growth mindset, a company mindset, a cultural mindset and an agile mindset can be the right recipe for an internationally minded workforce

  • Learn how to take your diversity and inclusion initiatives to the next level

Stages of International Growth

The Stages of International Growth

Expansion has often happened in a vacuum and leaders driving those efforts have had to reinvent the wheel. Through hundreds of hours of research, we have developed a framework for global success that takes leaders through the various stages of growth. The framework can be used as a step-by-step guide for international growth as well as a troubleshooting tool when an organization’s expansion efforts are falling short.

How to use the Stages of International Growth:

  • Start using the process outlined from the start as your explore international expansion

  • Once you have started a global expansion initiative look to this framework for insights into how to overcome challenges and fix problems

  • Rally the team around the key activities and milestones to target at each stage, using the frameworks Global Class companies use to scale abroad

Benefits of the Stages of International Growth:

  • Learn the step-by-step process Global Class Companies go through when launching and scaling international expansion efforts

  • Troubleshoot how to overcome obstacles with expansion initiatives stall

  • Understand how to optimize the frameworks detailed in the Global Class book

  • Visualize the key activities and milestones on the pathway to global growth

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